Sunday 9 October 2011

Re-visiting tasks

I re read the requirements and realised that I hadn't done exactly what was asked.  I have a bad habit of not reading through thoroughly.    I will be posting additional images of my work.. I also need to upload the Audio visual to the BAPP YouTube channel as I have only posted it to my blog. I must take more care in reading the task requirements and take things a little slower.


  1. Hi there Corrinda. I'm unsure how to upload my video to the You Tube Channel, can you help?

  2. Hi Corinda,
    I seem to have exact same bad habit, hopefully this course will help us to get out of that :) Im unsure how to upload the Audio visual to the BAPP youtube channel.....any help be appreciated

  3. Hi Emily
    I'm trying to work my way through the process of uploading to the BAPP Channel and will let you know as soon as I have managed it.

  4. Hi Michelle
    Just about to try and upload to the BAPP Channel. Will keep you posted.

  5. I think that its great that you are aware of this character trait and even better that you took the time to read back over the assignments in an effort to improve your work. You should give yourself a big pat on the back. I have a similar "bad" habit i get side tracked and so forget other things i'm meant to be doing all the time but i keep telling myself that its ok to be a bit crap sometimes as long as you know you are cause then you can work with it. I now set up to 10 different alarms for myself throughout the day as reminders.
    Stay safe - Phil

  6. Hi Corinda, after reading this it made me go back and read through in more detail. I haven't yet uploaded my video, however if it weren't for re-reading I would've just uploaded it to my Youtube account and posted the link, rather than to the BAPP Youtube channel, oopsy!! I think I shall also be taking my time to read and re-read the tasks in order to assure I am undertaking it correctly. Thanks:) Take care xxx

  7. Hi Phil
    We all have busy lives and try and fit everything and more into our day. If we could remind one another of tasks or a particular point that we may have omitted, that would be a great help. I will try and do the same. This course is really quite cleansing, it makes us aware (and fellow students make us aware too) of our shortfalls and give us a kick up the backside. I'm aware that my fellow (younger) students are keeping me on my toes!! I also think these blogs keep us motivated. It's great to have a lovely group of fellow students supporting one another... Thanks Phil.

  8. Hi Jo
    Glad my post was able to help you. I'm having problems uploading my video to the BAPP Channel and have asked for help and suggestions. I would appreciate any help. I feel that I have to work at a fast pace to make sure I complete the tasks and assignments within the time frame. I'm currently thinking about our Assessment Components that need to be handed in at the end of this semester!! Best wishes.
