Friday 21 October 2011

Lesson Plan template and Aide Memoire for a Good Lesson

Teaching Dance in a Primary School

For Michelle Moss and all

See Michelle Moss's Task2b on WALT and WILF aides.  A very well written and analysed post and useful for anyone interested in teaching in Schools.
Here is a template of a lesson plan I currently use in the Primary School I teach in.  I posted this as an aide  to Michelle's Moss's post Task 2b WALT & WILF.  I am also learning to take a 'Games' lesson and I am learning the 'rules and skills' of playing football.!! :-))

Here is a link to a template currently being used in the school I am teaching in for 'Aide Memoire for a Good Lesson' used for Performance Management lesson observations and a reflection on teacher's practices and to set teacher's targets to improve their teaching.  Hope you find this useful..


  1. Hi Corrinda,
    It's really useful for you that within your teaching work, you are already aware about 'reflection' as a means to improve you r teaching. I feel that at the moment, the BAPP programme and my dancing responsabilities are still quite seperate and I am only linking them together by the Tasks relating to dance. I am hoping that I will use my newly learned Reflection techniques more autmoatically now that I am aware of how useful they can be in seeing patterns and tendencies in my learning.

  2. Hi Corinda,
    Thanks so much its a really good lesson plan with clear progression. Do you use differentation within the lesson? for example less/more able students?
    Michelle :)

  3. Hi Michelle
    Yes, I do use differentiation within the lesson. It took a few weeks into term before I noticed how some children hadn't progressed in their dance, they are usually the ones that don't put their hands up to answer my questions, I have to find alternative vocabulary to explain the objective or WILF or whilst the whole class is dancing I will give them some help one to one. I ask the more able children to come up with and add new patterns or moves to the sequence. In the games lesson I will ask the more skilled in football to group up with people they don't usually play with and practice their skills and share their technical knowledge. These children appreciate recognition that they are more skilled and feel happy to help. Of course they are rewarded towards the end of the class and choose their own team or group to practice their skills with so that they are challenged. I see progression with some less able children. Each class is different each time. How does it work for you?
