Monday 3 October 2011

Professional Communication Technology Task 1b

Reader 1

First thoughts about Web 2.0

Does Web 2.0 have a place in my world today? . In deed it is good funnel for research, storage, collaborating, networking, interacting, entertain, be entertained, elaborate, exaggerate, lies, corruption, scheming etc.. One big fusion, one big melting pot..  I will extract what I need when I need it.  We are fortunate to be living in the developing world, we are educated, we socialise, we have freedom of thought or have we after being bombarded with new technology in ways that we can improve our lives, information that we all must have!. We should therefore, be able to evaluate, make good judgements and educated risks within seconds of pressing that ‘send/display/share’ button. Hard to live with it and hard to live without it..

I was reading some of the other student’s blogs and comments and had the same thoughts as Liam about society becoming lazy and becoming less physical.  I see this regularly when taking children’s dance classes how unfit and little stamina they have.  Jessica Hay mentions the difference between seeing a ballet production on TV or video compared to experiencing the real thing and exciting all of our senses. Will we loose some of the use of our senses? Emily Brenchley hit the nail on the head; it is our choice in the end.  Do we sit for hours on end in front of a screen for hours on end, adults at work as well as children at play? Should we? Do we have to?

Since starting BAPP and setting up a Blog, I have never come across the whole concept of Web 2.0.  It is very very clever… A real maze for me though!
New to me is Google Docs or similar and without is it would be difficult to share or publish you work in progress.  Do I want everyone to steal some of my ideas if I’m researching?  Is what I’m researching correct?  Should I trust what I read? Wikipedia is a site I will initiate my research, but I need further proof and justification for cross referencing.
Blogging is new to me too.  I will probably use this more often now.
Flickr or similar sites are great for photo storage and of course ways to make some revenue as a professional.  I enjoyed the outcome of this task but not the process.
Youtube can be fun, entertaining and informative, excellent to broadcast news events but a reminder that horrific scenes can be shared too.
I have looked at other gadget and widgets that can be added to your blogs and web sites and may use them further down the line. For now I still prefer to interact much more with humans face to face, to feel them and so witness their real emotions.  I like the feeling of being alive.


  1. Hi Corinda,

    I feel like there are numerous ideas and feelings in this piece, but if I'm honest, I personally found it a little difficult to read! I get the impression from the post that you have so many thoughts and points to make that they have come tumbling out in little snippets!

    I would maybe suggest having a look at how you structure your writing to try and make your points more succinct and ordered? So much passion and creative thinking comes through in your writing, but I feel like there is so much that the piece becomes a little vague as a whole.

    I've just read that back and have a terrible feeling that I sound condescending. I really hope you don't take it that way and that my comments are helpful!

  2. Hi Liam
    You are absolutely right! I do have a problem with structured writing and am aware of this. I even mentioned this to Paula. I am aware I don't have the skills and feel that this is my stumbling block. I'm pleased you were honest enough to make a point of this and I think I will try and get some extra help..Please feel free to comment further and be specific if you can. Many thanks.
