Wednesday 25 January 2012

A New Direction - Sir Ken Robinson

A New Direction is the 'Bridge' that offers access to 'Powerful Ways for all Young Londoners to Access the Best of The Arts Culture'

A New Direction

Sir Ken's Video on Creative Learning and Cultural Education.  Sir Ken endorsing 'A New Direction' magazine
Don't push out English Baccalaureate, warns Sir Ken Robinson

Sir Ken motivates me on Creative and Cultural Education, the more I hear his thoughts and findings the more I wish to join the movement to make a change in the Education system world wide.  I need to develop how I apply my intelligence to this movement.  

I found a very interesting method of teaching called the Reggio Emilia which could be the basis to a new Education curriculum being discussed in Sir Ken's video.

I would really like to hear some of your thoughts as this is relevant to most of us who wish to work in Education and apply our Art, whether at a physical level or changing people's misconception of creativity.  


  1. Corinda, this video is a fantastic find. I really agreed with his comments on the fact that a curriculum full of science and maths alone wouldn't work and that creativity should be at the centre of education. I'm hoping to do a PGCE in drama after this. I had a recent email from the course leader of Goldsmiths, her name is Amanda Kipling. She was telling me how unsure the future of the course is due to government cuts. I feel very passionate about arts in schools and as Sir Ken Robinson says, just because you are not interested in science or maths, doesn't mean you can sit this one out...

  2. Thank you Ahmet. I guess I'm not so shocked to hear about government cut backs of Arts funding but if it's to do with teacher training across the board, it's very worrying.. I too have thought about obtaining a PGC as the standard Qualified Teacher status to help with my career further. I spoke very briefly to Paula Nottingham about obtaining QTS after this BAPP course and I think there may be opportunities available to do the PGCE at Middlesex Uni. I will keep the lines of inquiry open with Paula.
    I think there will be other avenues that may come about to do with Creative and Culture Education in the future. We need to keep communicating and networking.

  3. I agree Corinda, communication and networking is the very thing that connects us as artists now. Its the new way of sharing ideas, so I'm learning... The PGCE course at middlesex is very good and has a wonderful reputation. I have done a lot of research into possible courses in London and there seems to be three in the city.
